Guidelines and Rules:
1. Applications must be completed by the applicant unless they are under the age of 18 or if the applicant’s disability prevents them from using a computer. The application may be completed by a primary caregiver (parent, spouse/partner, other family member or friend) if assistance is required. Applications submitted by a vendor or service provider on behalf of a client will not be accepted.
2. The maximum amount awarded is $15,000 during the lifetime of the applicant. If the applicant is awarded a portion of the funds, they have 36 months from the date of acceptance to apply for the remainder.
3. You must begin spending the money within one year of acceptance. Failure to create an appropriate service plan and begin fund distribution will result in the forfeiture of the grant. Please discuss any reasons for delays or exceptions with the Program Director.
4. Good communication with the Ryan Shazier Fund staff is critically important to the success of everyone involved. We ask that you respond to our communications in a timely fashion and keep us updated about any delays or challenges you are experiencing. Failure to communicate may result in funding delays and possible rescission.
5. If you have previously been denied, you may reapply at any time, paying special attention to improve upon the reason for denial.
6. We only pay reputable vendors and service providers directly. We DO NOT provide funding to the grant recipient or reimburse for equipment already purchased.
7. We do not pay for previously incurred medical expenses including co-payments.
8. Applications for medical procedures will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If applying for medical procedures, you will need to provide supporting documents to the Program Director with your application.
9. Modifications to the original application may be made with approval from the Program Director and will be processed through our modifications and additions policy as required.
10. The Fund reserves the right to modify, terminate, or withhold the distribution of funds, and the decision to do so is at the sole discretion of the Fund.
11. If you receive a grant, we may use your first name, state of residence, photos, and answers to specific questions for marketing purposes. If you do not agree please email and indicate that you decline to participate in any marketing or promotional materials.
12. Most importantly, we do want to stay in touch and hear about your experience. If you receive a grant, we may reach out to you and have you participate in evaluations through surveys or individual conversations. There are required pre-program and post-program surveys.
The Golden Window Application Cycle Opens 3 Times Per Year. Please note the date applications are open and the submission due date.
Applications Open: Submissions Due: Award Notifications:
October 1st November 1st First week of December
February 1st March 1st First week of April
June 1st July 1st First week of August